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IES Norba Caesarina

Día de Europa

9 de mayo, 2019


Jóvenes y el cambio

29 mar 2019

Cambio climático / Climate change

Climate change is one of the biggest issues currently, it could be considered as the consequence of Industrial Revolution, while in that age, it was thought that it would be an improvement for future societies, it turned out as a gradual destruction of Earth's environments.
The emission of greenhouse gasses produced by factories, are just killing our planet. Fotunately, measures have been taken by European governments to reduce the emissions of gasses within the time of 20 years.

In our country, measures have taken to stop climate change such as paying for plastic bags,banning the use of diesel and oil cars in the city centre, promoting public transport… In my opinion, this is something that should be reduced, because we are destroying the planet.

Jaime Márquez Ávila & Cristian Lin Chen

Somos una clase de bachillerato perteneciente al instituto Norba Caesarina en Cáceres cuyo objetivo es la búsqueda de opciones para crear una sociedad justa e igualitaria.


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