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IES Norba Caesarina

Día de Europa

9 de mayo, 2019


Jóvenes y el cambio

3 abr 2019

Future of Europe
Lately, in Europe are emerging in several political parties against various problems that is facing or will face Europe (like for example immigration, social inequalities, etc.) but measures are somewhat extreme, and to my surprise, the society is accepting the radical ideals of these political parties emerging in the European Union. An example very clear would be Marie le Pen in France or the best known problem in the European Union nowadays, the Brexit.

In my opinion, in time of crisis, we should help each other and strive to build a better future for the next generations.

Marcelino Gil Lubián

Somos una clase de bachillerato perteneciente al instituto Norba Caesarina en Cáceres cuyo objetivo es la búsqueda de opciones para crear una sociedad justa e igualitaria.


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