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IES Norba Caesarina

Día de Europa

9 de mayo, 2019


Jóvenes y el cambio

1 abr 2019

Electoral abstention / Abstenciones electorales

In my opinion, every vote in the elections is very important to decide the future of your country or region,since if you do not vote, you give rise to an unwanted government.

Also many people who do not vote, then they complain about their government or the future of the country. I believe that if you do not vote, you should not complain about everything because you have not expressed your ideas and chosen your representatives.

In conclusion, not voting when you have the opportunity to do so is a serious mistake that you can easily avoid.

Daniel González García

Somos una clase de bachillerato perteneciente al instituto Norba Caesarina en Cáceres cuyo objetivo es la búsqueda de opciones para crear una sociedad justa e igualitaria.


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