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IES Norba Caesarina

Día de Europa

9 de mayo, 2019


Jóvenes y el cambio

20 mar 2019

Prevención de la radicalización y el terrorismo / Prevention of Radicalization and Terrorist attacks
One of the most recently terrorist attacks happened in New Zealand some day ago 49 people were killed by the Australian Brenton Tarrant ,who broadcasted it online for more than 15 minutes with a webcam in his head. The case is still being investigated, in particular one of the times that Brenton came to Spain to know if the radicalism could maybe have happened here.

Another attack happened two days ago 20/03/2019 in Utrecht ,Netherlands, by a Turkish businessman called Gökmen Tanis, where three people were killed and there were almost nine injured.

We have to try to fight against these type of events, which are practically impossible to prevent, but, if we teach and learn good values at school and at home, it will be more difficult for people to get radicalized. I remember something I heard one time “read and you will drive, don`t read and you will be driven”. Reading is just one of the examples of getting these good values which might be increased.

Pablo Morán Álvarez

Somos una clase de bachillerato perteneciente al instituto Norba Caesarina en Cáceres cuyo objetivo es la búsqueda de opciones para crear una sociedad justa e igualitaria.


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