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IES Norba Caesarina

Día de Europa

9 de mayo, 2019


Jóvenes y el cambio

30 mar 2019

Ciberseguridad / Cybersecurity
Since internet and the World Wide Web has become an important part of our lives, problems with people using it for illegal or unethical reasons are rising up every day.
For that reason and from my point of view, we have to create better professional profiles to face these issues and new laws must be created and approved to regulate the ethic online behaviour and to provide a safe browsing to all the users.

Lucía Cordero Sánchez

Somos una clase de bachillerato perteneciente al instituto Norba Caesarina en Cáceres cuyo objetivo es la búsqueda de opciones para crear una sociedad justa e igualitaria.


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08/04/2019 Hoy hemos asistido a una carrera benéfica organizada por nuestro centro con el fin de recaudar dinero para el proyecto de Dim...


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